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2018-2021 goals… accomplished!

Success! Hunter's “Diabuddies” walked together in the JDRF: One Walk… and we accomplished our 3 goals:

Goal #1: RAISE $10,000 FOR JDRF.

Last time, we raised $11,417 for Diabetes Research.

GOAL #2: RECRUIT 100 walk’ers.

107 men, women and children came and walked with Hunter.


29 people committed to walking “virtually.”


When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity just to stay alive.

With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. 

But, there is hope!

Thank you for joining us- just by clicking through this website! Your support, participation, fundraising and/or donation has not only changed lives for people with T1D but joining us in various JDRF [Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation] events will change your own life. The inspiration and fun you experience will stick with you, and the pride you can take for your role will last a lifetime.

Thank you for your support.
Hunter, Age 7


Thank You

"From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely want to say thank you for praying with us and praying for us, for walking with us, supporting us, reaching out to us, bringing meals to us, and so much more. We know this journey is far from over… but knowing that Hunter (along with the rest of us) has such a strong support system means the world to us. We humbly stop and thank God for each and every one of these priceless friendships."

— Zack, Christen, Hudson & Hunter Grelling